Friday, September 5, 2008

Meeting with the CAVA teacher

Our 4th teacher in 4 years. I swear, we aren't running them off! One moved up the ranks, one just wasn't a good fit for our family, and the last one left CAVA to take a job at her kids' school. Hopefully we can keep this one for a while.

Anyway, it went well. We signed all the bazillion papers that we have to sign every single time we change teachers (which is getting old) and she got her baseline assessments on the boys reading and Jonathan's math. Matthew did great on the 7th grade reading assessment (100% on comprehension) but she noticed that he tends to skip words and make substitutions on others tho that doesn't seem to affect his understanding. He'll actually repeat exact phrases back to you and gets into explaining it all when it's a subject he enjoys. Considering he scores advanced on both LA and Math for the State Testing, I guess it's not really a surprise. We turned in his Math5 Semester 2 Assessment so she didn't feel the need to test his math further (we needed to show her the test so she could order his Pre-Algebra 1). He also did a good job explaining what he learned about Art and Music so those new courses are getting ordered tonight.

Jonathan did really well on his math tho he's having some problems remembering multiplication and division. They don't spend a lot of time on that in 2nd grade tho so I'm not surprised. He did great adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers and adding multiple numbers. On his reading he scored right on the cusp of 1st/2nd grade which is great considering how far he had to come and how hard it's been for him. He's right on target so I'm totally thrilled with that and he's still working hard to finish up his Phonics 1. All-in-all a really good first meeting and the boys are doing really, really well. I always feel that they are but then I always doubt it when they are about to get tested. Silly really since they've always exceeded my expectations and done extremely well but still, I guess it's a mother's nature.

Now if I could just get them to settle down and work...

1 comment:

Auntie M said...

They are learning as fast as their brains will let them - When they aren't goofing off that is. :D
The gift and curse of the Bright Mind.