Tuesday, September 9, 2008


it's one of the core fundamental things that we strive to instill in our boys, both personal responsibility and communal responsibility. There are times, like this morning, that I despair of ever getting it through their heads. Then there are times, like this afternoon, that I think "hey, it's actually getting through to them".

Today I had a glimpse of Matthew's idea of being responsible. The child will not take phone messages because he hates to write but today when left home for 20min so I could pick up Jonathan from soccer practice, he called me to tell me that Kaiser had called confirming my appointment for Thursday. I consider this amazing progress considering Christopher just gives anyone who calls my cell phone number and Mark just totally forgets to pass on any message. Who knows how much better Jon, or *gasp* Nico, may eventually become?

1 comment:

Dreff said...

I don't *always* forget to pass messages. I do sometimes forget, but not *always* :)