Tuesday, September 23, 2008

School Motto?

So I was reading a friend's blog and she talked about how on one of her homeschooling boards, other members were talking about school mottos so she spent quite a lot of time trying to come up with one for her school. She was having problems with it and finally fell back on her love of Terry Pratchett and his saying “Personally, I think the best motto for an educational establishment is: ‘Or Would You Rather Be a Mule?’”. So there's her school motto.

I read this and after lmao, thought about it and what kind of motto our school has. It didn't take long before this one sprang into my head:

"The Davis Academy 4 Boyz...where education and insanity go hand in hand"

I think it fits quite nicely thank you.

And since it's Tuesday, here are the weekly bowling scores (check out that Nico!)

Nico - 84 300
Jon - 86 101
Matt - 64 48
Chris - 73 76

I was really impressed with Nico and Jon's second game. What was most impressive about Nico's is how he managed a 300 while not being anywhere near the lane. The Force is strong with that one. LOL

1 comment:

Auntie M said...

300? That's incredible! Pretty soon you're going to have to remove those bumpers.
Go Nico!