Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Couple of Big Deals & Week 3 wrap-up

Chris ~ Got his first math test back this week and got 9/10 correct.  Woohoo!  He's enjoying the math class and actually went so far as to ask the teacher to put up assignments ahead of time so if he has time, he can work slightly ahead if he understands the material.  He's also got what looks to be a really good fit for his English class.  He had that paper due the first couple of days of class and then the teacher met with all the students this week to go over the papers.  Lots of constructive criticism where he marked out the points he really liked and thought were good and asked questions where things were unclear.  No nitpicking things.  I'm sure that will come but they are also addressing a lot of that in the class as well.  He does things like have you bring in rough drafts to go over with your peers a week before the final draft is due and you can get appointments with him in the writing lab to make sure you are on the right track with what he wants.  What a blessing after his last attempt at this class.  I think it was his English teacher that showed up at his Competitive Gamers Club meeting this week as well.  Really think this is going to be a great semester for him!

Nico ~ Started the second half of the orange Hooked on Phonics workbook.  Couldn't believe it when I showed him the sound cards for it and he sailed right through figuring them out.  They were all beginning blends and he had no problem and started in on the words.  He's been sailing through all the concepts I've introduced so far in his math as well and when we do his animal worksheets, he has no problem answering questions afterward.  He just continues to blow me away with how quickly he picks things up.

Matthew ~ Is continuing to plug along and is keeping up with all his courses so far.  We have a bit of discussion to do but so far I'm keeping up on grading his papers as well.

Jonathan ~ is working hard most of the time.  Our biggest hurdle right now are his own mental blocks where he is asked to do something that he has decided is too hard.  Mostly this pertains to writing and I think stems from the time when handwriting was so difficult for him that he hated the physical process of writing and while we've dealt with that, he now just has a block about writing anything.  His resource specialist and I are doing what we can to help him get over this but it's hard.  Otherwise, he's been doing well and I'm happy to see that his spelling is improving at least in his lessons.  Unfortunately, since he is still working his way through the first book, there haven't been enough words to really make a difference in his writing.  *sigh*  We continue to work on it tho.

This coming week is going to be fun as Nick's soccer starts up and clay class for Matt, Jon, and Nick starts as well.  All of it on Tuesday.  Ugh!

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